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HIV diet and nutrition advice to ensure a healthy lifestyle

The importance of nutrition

Good nutrition means eating the right amounts of the correct nutrient filled foods to promote strong healthy bodies.  Finding a good health care provider before beginning a diet is advisable.

The six food classes:

#1 Vitamins

31 - HIV diet and nutrition advice to ensure a healthy lifestyle
Vitamins are a much-needed supplement as they regulate various processes in the body.  They are especially essential for promoting normal cell growth, maintaining proper metabolic functions as well as supporting healthy tissues, bones, teeth, hair and blood. Each vitamin plays a part in maintaining a person health.  There are thirteen important vitamins a human body requires.  They are:

  • The B vitamins
    • B1 – Thiamine
    • B2 – Riboflavin
    • B3 – Niacin
    • B5 – Pantothenic acid
    • B6 – Pyroxidine
    • B7 – Biotin
    • B9 – Folate
    • B12 – Cobalamin
  • Vitamins A, C, D, E and K

#2 Water

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A person’s body requires water to regulate and maintain various body functions.  It is also used in all the bodies tissue, organs, cells and helps to regulate the bodies temperature.  As a person loses water during the day due to functions such as digestions, sweating, passing fluids and even breathing a person must keep it topped up by drinking regular glasses of it throughout the day.  It also helps to prevent fatigue, promotes more energy, stops constipation and headaches.

#3 Fat

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Fat has quite a bad reputation, but the fact is the body needs a certain amount of it to maintain energy, keep the body warm and help with cell growth.  Fats are also required in the production of various hormones, to help the body absorb nutrients and they help to protect the organs.  Your body receives much needed essential fatty acids such as linolenic and linoleic acids from the foods you eat.

#4 Protein

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A person’s nails and hair consist mostly of protein and it is used by a person body to help repair and build tissue.  Protein is a very important ingredient in the building of bones, cartilage, blood, skin and muscle.   It is also needed to help with the production of various bodily chemicals, enzymes and hormones.

#5 Carbohydrates

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For sustained energy, a person needs a certain amount of carbs like those found in various vegetables, grains and fruits.  Carbohydrates contain glucose which the body uses as fuel.

#6 Minerals

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Your body needs minerals to help build tissue, boost the immune system and help with certain body functions.  Such as building strong teeth, healthy hair, strong bones, healthy skin and various nerve, muscle and metabolic functions such as turning food into required energy. There are five necessary minerals in the body these are magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.


When you have HIV, your body needs to be able to get enough nutrition to help it cope and fight off infections.  Most advance stages of HIV tend to cause loss of appetite which causes weight loss, and this makes it harder for your body to fight off infections.   A healthy diet, supplements and some exercise can go a long way in staying healthy.